Goji berries & Wolf Berries: Powerhouse Snack!


One of the most popular herbs in Chinese herbalism, legend has it that the monks drank teas made from Goji berries thousands of years ago high in the Himalayas to aid with meditation and obtain health, vitality, longevity, energy and stamina.* All parts of this plant from its leaves, the berries, the flowers as well as the root bark can be used for herbal tonics. Gou Qi Zi as known in China, have been regarded as a general nutritive tonic, noted as an anti-aging herb and it's said to help improve eye-sight.* This delicious fruit can be added to your daily diet for overall wellness*  by making it in a tea, soaking them in rice wine before adding them to your favorite dish, making it in stews, cooking it in a congee (rice porridge) or just eating them as a snack. 

Dried goji berries are rich in carotene, vitamin A1, B2, C, calcium and iron. Their small yellow seeds contain amino acids such as alanine, glutamic acid and lysine as well as trace minerals such as potassium, magnesium and sodium. 

Goji berries when referred to its medicinal properties is usually known as the dried ripe fruit known as Lyceum barbarum L. 

TCM practitioners believe that goji berries are sweet in taste but neutral in thermal properties traveling through the liver, kidney and lung meridian channels.* 

Goji Berry Benefits

It was originally recorded as a medicinal herb in the Book of Songs almost 3,000 years ago. In the Jin Dynasty, Ge Hong, a medical master and alchemist, got juice by pounding it alone for the treatment of eye disorders. In the Tang dynasty, Sun Simao, a famous Taoist (pronounced Daoist) and medical expert, combined this herb with others to make liver tonic teapots to cure blurring vision. Interestingly enough, the liver, according to TCM, when inflamed manifests in the eyes causing redness, even blurred vision using goji berries and chrysanthemum flowers is a great tea to help reduce redness and help clear vision.  

What I love about goji berries are how versatile they are. They're easy to add to any meal to boost energy levels*, maintain normal eye-health* and support normal cellular function.* Try adding them to your morning porridge, a tea (chrysanthemum tea and goji berries are great for eye health) add them to granola bars, trail mix or even eaten just as is. They're versatile and sweet whats not to love about them? 

Breaking News!!!

As you may all know I am always talking about Chinese herbs and I get DMed all the time as to where people can get these herbs. Months of research trying to get my own goji berries up and running but failing to find a competent farmer to ensure they were of organic quality but still Di Dao (authentic source).  Ningxia is where goji berries have their highest potency so buying them from anywhere else would reduce their overall effectiveness. When I saw Young Living had their very own certified organic wolf berries from Ningxia I just had to become a member so it is we are now carrying Ningxia Wolfberries & Ningxia Red Juices in our store! No more running in circles at Chinese markets or wondering if Whole Food's bulk goji berries are actually organic. Young Living's seed to seal stamp of approval gives you the confidence that you're getting a high quality product every single time!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are  of intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Di Dao Herbs: High Quality TCM Herbs Grown in Their Natural Habitat


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