Directions for Candida Relief+, Colon-Tox+ and Happy Colon.

These formulas work best taken over two 5 day periods each month when parasites are the most active.

Each 5 day period should overlap with the Full Moon and then New Moon. Each month contains one Full Moon and one New Moon (there are some exceptions when there are more, but you can choose one to cleanse).

  • Full Moon: begin 4 nights before the Full Moon and take for a total of 5 nights.

  • New Moon: start the night of the New Moon and take for 5 nights.

Begin with 3 drops, see how you feel the next day. Work up to 5 drops see how you feel the next day. Work up to ½ dropper at your own pace.

Take Candida Relief and or Colon-Tox+ before bed, they can be used together.

Separate from any other medication or herb by at least 1 hour.

For those not wanting to consume alcohol, place drops on a teaspoon or into ½ oz warm liquid (tea or water) for 5-10 min to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.

If you feel as though using the tinctures at night gives you energy or makes you not sleep well, take them during the day.

For a recommended binder, use Charcoal Plus Binder.

For recommended bowel support if you are constipated, use Magnesium Caps.

For children or if you’re nursing use 2-3 drops for 3 days a week, evaporating the alcohol before use.