Fertility + Kidney

In TCM, Infertility is related to different patterns. One can be kidney deficiency. If you have any two of these symptoms:  you work long hours; experience a sore back; cold hands and feet; edema; hot flashes; ear ringing; weak limbs and joints; or, frequent urination, then you should try adding this acupressure massage with the ❤️Fertility video I posted last Week.

1. Locate BL 23 at the back, level with L2 vertebrae, at the same level as the end of the rib cage about 2 fingers away from the spine. BL 23 is a key acupoint for invigorating the vitality of the Kidneys. Use two tennis balls, hold for 3-5 minutes.

2. Locate BL 17, also at the back, at the level of the bottom of the scapula, 2 fingers from the spine. BL 17 refreshes, nourishes and invigorates the Blood. Move the tennis ball there and hold it for 3-5 minutes.

3. Massage Ki 3, located in the depression midway between the tip of the medial malleolus and the attachment of the Achilles tendon. Ki 3 tonifies Kidney Qi, Yin or Yang Deficiencies from any etiology.  Use one or 2 fingers; massage with back and forth or circular motions for 3-5 minutes on both feet.

4. Drink ginger tea afterward.

Do this daily, 3-7 times a week.

Stay tuned for more videos on how to help other patterns and treatments for infertility.

Thanks @smittyinthecity for demonstrating how to do acupressure. 🐾❤️





Infertility + Dampness