Daily Drops


Traditionally, this formula to treat Qi and Blood— the two essences that sustain us and give us life, health and vitality.

*Daily Drops is your daily all in one multivitamin and mineral. This ancient formula is still one of the most commonly used herbal blends today for its efficacy in total body wellness. This is a complete, all-inclusive superb tonifying formula with added adaptogenic herbs schisandra and goji berry for daily consumption. Strengthens Qi and Blood; warms and tonifies Yin and Yang; dry and dispel dampness; reduces fatigue; warms cold hands and feet; moistens dry skin; strengthens back; supports the Stomach and Spleen

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Traditionally, this formula to treat Qi and Blood— the two essences that sustain us and give us life, health and vitality.

*Daily Drops is your daily all in one multivitamin and mineral. This ancient formula is still one of the most commonly used herbal blends today for its efficacy in total body wellness. This is a complete, all-inclusive superb tonifying formula with added adaptogenic herbs schisandra and goji berry for daily consumption. Strengthens Qi and Blood; warms and tonifies Yin and Yang; dry and dispel dampness; reduces fatigue; warms cold hands and feet; moistens dry skin; strengthens back; supports the Stomach and Spleen

Traditionally, this formula to treat Qi and Blood— the two essences that sustain us and give us life, health and vitality.

*Daily Drops is your daily all in one multivitamin and mineral. This ancient formula is still one of the most commonly used herbal blends today for its efficacy in total body wellness. This is a complete, all-inclusive superb tonifying formula with added adaptogenic herbs schisandra and goji berry for daily consumption. Strengthens Qi and Blood; warms and tonifies Yin and Yang; dry and dispel dampness; reduces fatigue; warms cold hands and feet; moistens dry skin; strengthens back; supports the Stomach and Spleen


Directions: Take 5 drops twice daily between meals, shaking the bottle before use.

Wildcrafted Ingredients: Ren Shen, Shu Di Huang, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Fu Ling, Huang Qi, Hong Zao, Chuan Xiong, Gan Cao, Rou Gui, Go Zhi Zhi, Wu wei Zhi, Ginger Power, Organic Cane ethanol. 

Ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling and gan cao tonify Qi. Shu di huang, dang gui, bai shao and chuan xiong nourish the Blood. Huang qi tonifies Qi and lifts Yang Qi to improve the general body condition and help to speed wound healing. Hong Zao tonify Qi and Spleen, nourish the Blood, Liver health, and promote emotional well-being. Ginger Power and rou gui warms Yang and dispels cold. Go Zhi Zhi resolves dampness and damp-heat, cools the Blood and reduces toxicity. Wu Wei Zhi strengthens all organ systems, rich in minerals, tonifies the Kidneys and Qi, quiets the Spirit and calms and contains Heart Qi.



Expiration Date: 6 years

For those avoiding alcohol or breastfeeding, place drops in 1 oz of warm water for 5 - 10 minutes to evaporate the alcohol before consuming. 

If you are taking prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour. 

Consult your healthcare professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. 

Do not use tinctures during pregnancy. Do not use tinctures if allergic to alcohol or any of the herbs.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 




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