CBD Oil: What is it & Why the Surge in Popularity

CBD oil is derived from high CBD, low THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive terahyelrocanabinol (THC). Because hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, the hemp oil products are non-psychoactive making them safe, medicinal and legal to use. Although CBD has small traces of THC it is not enough for the oil to have any psychoactive properties. In fact both these compounds have medicinal qualities; THC has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-tremor, anti-inflammatory and appetite stimulating properties, while CBD has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, antioxidant, neuro protective and immunomodulatory properties.


Did you know? We all create our own endocannabinoids. All mammals do! They are found in what is called the endogenous cannabinoid system which is made up of millions of cannabinoid receptor sites that are found throughout the brain and central nervous system (known as CB1 receptors) and the immune system (known as CB2 receptors). These cannabinoid receptors are essential for neural communication. The human body creates its own cannabinoids similar to the functions of CBD, known as Anandamide and 2-AG as a way to control cellular communication, no not the cells we carry in our hands to Instagram and text on, but between cells within our body, mediating the body’s function.

The ECS is actually one of the most important regulatory systems in the body, yet most people are unaware of it so they do very little to support the health of this system since cannabinoids are not part of the average America diet. The way CBD oil works is that it interacts with our body’s endogenous cannabinoid system which helps it regulate our body back to homeostasis. Just like in TCM when the outside environment is changing we have to work diligently to eat foods that nourish us and tonify us so that we can remain in a state of balance (yin/yang). This is the simplest way to explain what CBD oil does in our body. CBD and 2-AG are two cannabinoids involved in the regulation of immune system functions, mood, pain management and appetite.

All cannabinoids including CBD act as ligands which essentially dock onto the binding site of a protein and have the ability to modulate a receptors behavior. CB1 receptors are widely distributed but are particularly abundant in areas of the brain that are concerned with movement, coordination, pain and sensory perception, emotion, memory, cognition and autonomic and endocrine functions. While CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system, they also reduce inflammation and help with certain kinds of pain.  


How to consume CBD? And What to Use It For

Pure CBD oil can be consumed directly as a nutritional supplement and can be found in various forms, such as capsules, drops, chewing gum and can even be infused into skin and body care products for topical use.

Studies have shown that CBD can be used to treat epilepsy, anxiety, schizophrenia, heart disease, PTSD, autism, autoimmune disorders, insomnia and cancer.

In a 2012 study published in Journal of Experimental Medicine found CBD significantly suppressed chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain in rodents without causing analgesic tolerance. While in a meta-analysis done in Canada back in 2007 found that a buccal spray that contained a combination of CBD and THC was effective in treating neuropathic pain in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Studies have even shown that taking as much as 700 milligrams per day for 6 weeks did not show overt toxicity in humans. This suggests that you can take CBD oil for extended periods of time without adverse side effects or toxicity.  


Different Extraction Methods

There are one of three ways you can extract the benefits of CBD oil. These extraction methods are CO2 extraction, ethanol extraction and oil extraction. CO2 is the most complex way to extract the benefits of CBD but it also the purest and has the highest potency. Ethanol extraction is the simplest and cheapest but has less potency than the aforementioned. Finally, there is oil extraction which has a bad taste, with a very funky color and if you filter it has the least potency out of the three. When looking for the best oil for you make sure to determine what you are using it for, if it’s to take internally then CO2 extraction is what you should lean toward, if you’re using it for topical use then ethanol and oil may not be such a bad idea.


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