Liane A.

"I had severe knee pains for a big portion of my young life that no one in western medicine knew how to diagnose. Pain so excruciating that it would sometimes debilitate me, causing much stress and anxiety. I would go to my general practitioner constantly looking for some sort of relief from this pain but instead I would just get prescribed a higher dose of ibuprofen, which I wasn't fond of taking. It wasn't until I was fortunate enough to meet Lily Choi that everything changed for the better. She began explaining Chinese medicine and how knees were a reflection of my kidney health (my family has tons of kidney issues) she did several courses of acupuncture with a list of dietary changes I needed to start taking and just like that the knee pain slowly started to go away with each passing day. Today, I can confidently say I cannot remember the last time I had knee pains even with the long walks and long hours on my feet. I am so grateful for having met and having grown a friendship with Lily Choi. Her hands are true magic and her plethora of knowledge is a delight to explore."

-Liane A.


Maddy G.

