Detox Naturally

We talk about Detox all the time, do you know there is a natural way to detox?  Our body has 3 窩, it can be pronounced as wō , is a cave like area where things accumulate or live or hide there. These points will detox the whole body also. And these  3 窩, can be reached easily.

This  is how:

1.  Find BL 40, which is located at the back of the knee, use the tips of four fingers, press in deeply in a left and right motion 50-100 times or until you feel the location is warm. Do this on both legs. 1-3 times a week.

2.  Find KI- 1, which is located about 1/3 back from the tip of the toes, and ½ in from the side of the foot.  You should feel a depression.  Use the tips of four fingers, press firmly, massage in an up and down motion about 50-100 times.  Do this on both feet, 1-3 times a week.  This will also increase Kidney function, increase Kidney Yin, and can help with better sleep.

3.  Find Heart 1, which is at the armpit, also use the tips of four fingers, with a circular motion, you can first do it clockwise 10 times then counter-clockwise 10 times, about 3-5min; then you can do the other side.  Do this 1-3 time a week.

4.  Drink warm/hot water after. - -

Have a clean rejuvenated body!



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