Liver Recharger

In TCM, liver is known as the commanding general of the body and it is the main organ of detoxification, smooth flow Qi and Blood. When Liver is healthy, flow of Qi and Blood are normal, the body can eliminate any toxins ( bacteria’s, mold, parasites, virus ) naturally, leaving healthy pain free body, smooth skin and the emotional state will be balanced and content. The Liver’s external partner is the Gallbladder, so is important to keep both organs healthy in order to keep Liver function at opitmum level.

Today I want to show you how to recharge and bring your liver to a healthier state naturally.

This is how:

1: Find LR3, is between the big toe and second toe, rub with stronger pressure, up and down motion, about 2-3 min on both side of the feet,3 times a week.  Do more through out the day, when you have a stressful day.

2: Tapping gall bladder meridians towards to knee for 10 minutes, or until it feels warm, tap on both legs, 3 times a week. You can do this in the morning. This also increase body immunity.

3: Rubbing Liver meridian, which is located at the opposite side of gallbladder meridian, rub towards the knee with strong and firm motion for 50 times. Rub on both thighs. Do this 3 times a week. You can rub this before going to bed, it will enhance liver detox function and give you better sleep.

4: Rub GB34, this will help eliminate liver and gallbladder toxins out of body properly. About 4 fingers below outside of knee, you will feel a depression and numb sensation, rub with 3-4 finger tips apply strong pressure up and down for 3-5 minutes on each leg. Do this 3 times weekly.

Drink warm/ hot water after.

Do #1-4 during day time, do additional #3 before bed. .

Have a healthy Liver and diseases free body!!!



Detox Naturally


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