Infertility + Dampness

You saw the kidney pattern of infertility last Saturday.  Dampness is another pattern of infertility.  For this type of pattern, you feel heavy, experience loose stools, a bloated stomach, joints pain aggregated more by cold and rainy day, and have a white and slippery (wet) tongue coating. Pcos, endometriosis, fibroid, ringing in the ear or anybody has the above symptoms can also massage these points.

If you think you belong to this type of infertility pattern you should massage as shown in the first fertility video then follow with this one.

Massage ST 40 which is located on outer side of the lower leg, about half way between the outer anklebone and the lower border of knee.  Often you will find this area feels like a depression, perhaps a little when there is a lot of phlegm or mucous in the body.  Press using a counterclockwise motion for 5 minutes.  Do it on both sides daily 3-6 times a week.

Massage SP 9.  It is below and on the inside of the knee, when you put your hand there you will feel a soreness. Massage in a counterclockwise circular motion for 5 minutes on both sides daily 3-6 times a week.

Drink Ginger tea after.



Fertility + Kidney


Peacful Sleep