Peacful Sleep

A good night’s sleep is a key to good health. Today, I’ll show you how to have peaceful sleep.

30 minutes before you go to bed you can do this or, if you suffer from chronic sleeplessness, do it at times throughout the day to prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.  Also, stay avoid caffeine, eating sugar or cold food at night.

1: Massage HT7 (H7): It is located at the wrist crease, on the pinky side.  Use two or three fingers with clockwise circular motion and massage 3-5 minutes.  Do it longer if you were overly stimulated. Do it on both hands.  HT7 calms the mind, reduces anxiety, stress, panic, fear or any emotional issues.

2: Press Anmian:  It is behind the ear near the earlobe.  There is a small, rounded bone pointing downward called the “mastoid process”. Place your finger on the protruding part of the bone, let it move backward and it will slip into a depression.  Slide the finger diagonally up and back about 1cm toward the base of your skull.  Place your finger on Anmian and apply circular pressure slightly upward under the skull 100 times. You should have a deep aching feeling and a sense of relaxation. Do this on both sides.

3: Press ST36:  It is located about a four-finger widths below the patella in the depression on the outside of the bone (tibia). ST36 tonifies Wei (protective) Qi and overall Qi, helps regulate whole-body circulation and helps achieve sound sleep. Press firmly for 30 seconds repeating 5-8 times both sides.

 4: Press KI 6: It is just below the anterior ankle bone, approximately 1” below the tip of the ankle bone. KI 6 nourishes kidney yin, reduces hot flashes and calms the mind. With the tip of your finger press slightly rotating in a circular motion. You should feel a little aching sensation. Do this for 3-5 minutes on both feet.

5: Massage LR3:  It is located between the big toe and the second toe.  LR3 soothes and calms the liver, rectifies Qi and increases immunity.  Massage firmly with up and down strokes for 2-3 minutes on both feet.

6: Drink a small zip of hot water.

Sweet Dreams!!



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