Boost Your immunity

Thank you for liking my self-healing videos.  Some of you have asked me how to increase immunity

Today I’m going to show you how:

1: Press on LI4. (*Do not press if you are pregnant; this can induce premature labor.) It is located at the highest point of the muscle when the thumb and index finger are held together.  LI 4 expels Wind, releases exterior pathogens, tonifies Qi, strengthens immunity and stops any pain.  Use the tip of your finger pressing firmly downward and holding for 30 seconds.  Release and repeat 5 more times.  Do this on both hands.

2: Press on LI11.  With the elbow flexed, the point is located on the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease.  LI11 clears Heat, expels exterior wind and and pathogens, regulates Qi and Blood and activates the meridian.  Use tip of your finger; press downward firmly holding for 30 seconds.  Release and repeat 5 times.  Do this on both elbows.

3: Press ST36.  The point is located about a four-finger space below the patella in the depression on the lateral side of the bone (tibia). ST36 tonifies Wei (protective) Qi and overall Qi which boosts immunity and strengthens general weakness.  It is a very important acupuncture point for building and maintaining overall health.  Press firmly for 30 seconds.  Release and repeat 5 times. Do this on both sides.

4: Massage LR3.  The point is located between the big toe and the second toe.  LR3 soothes and calms the liver, rectifies qi and increase immunity.  Massage firmly with up and down strokes for 2 minutes.  Do this on both feet. 

Try to do steps 1-4 steps 1-7 times a week, 1-2 times daily.

Wishing you strength and health!!


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