Stroke Home Care Pt. 1

Some people ask me about what to do to help their mom or dad who recently suffered a stroke and now require bed rest with limited movement.  It is best to seek treatment from an acupuncturist right away, if possible but there are some things you can do at home to help your loved one. 

For the upper body with difficulty moving or paralysis, you can try to do this 2-3 times daily (4 hours apart). At each point try to massage or press for at least 5 minutes. It is important to focus yourself on the massage thinking the person is going to get better; visualize the person regaining movement. Put your phone down and stay focused. .

Massage LI 11, Large Intestine 11 is a point located at the elbow.  The easiest way to locate it is to bend your arm and look for the end of the crease on the outer side of your bent elbow. Press firm and rotate slightly, do it on both sides.

Press on LI 4 located on the highest point of the muscle when the thumb and index fingers are brought close together.  Press and hold, do it on both sides.

Massage on SI 11,  Small Intestine 11 is found in the region of the scapula, in the depression in the center of the subscapular fossa, level with the 4th thoracic vertebra.  Massage the points with a slight circular motion or put a small ball on the point while the person is lying down. Make sure the person is comfortable with the ball at their back.

Drink warm water or ginger tea if they are not taking blood thinner.

✨Always consult your health care professional.

Hope they recover and feel better!


Depression Rescue


Stroke Home Care Pt.2